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Sculpture Work

Sculpture Work

Looking forward into the Past (2016) uses transposed burnt rhododendron branches and manufactured materials, silicone tubing and electric lighting to evoke a hearth, a domestic or ancestral family space. In social studies, anthropology and the humanities, the hearth is a universal concept synonymous with home, a place associated with safety, togetherness and belonging.

Looking Forward Into the Past.1 Tanya de Paor
Looking Forward Into the Past 2017 Looking Forward Into the Past.1 Tanya de Paor
Rhodendron 1 Tanya de Paor

Empty Fields (2020 – ongoing) is a series of sculptures inspired by the landscape. The series draws on the paradoxical process of making land whereby fields are cleared, levelled, drained and transformed into pasture land. Empty Fields explores the transformation of heterogeneous environments into homogeneous landscapes.

Empty Landscape 2 Tanya de Paor
Empty Landscape 3 Tanya de Paor
Empty Landscape 4 Tanya de Paor