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Family Portraits

Family Portraits (2019)

Family Portraits is a documentation of my intergenerational extended family who engage in a collective context in the socially engaged participative component of the research project. During this phase of the project we explored how to playfully think through being in the world in a more than human context.

The series of lens based images were taken in the inbetween space between the sea and the land. In ecological terms ecotones are transition spaces. The series explores the idea of an ecotone as a place where two communities meet and integrate. Such spaces of where worlds meet and provide visual and aesthetic experiences, drama and excitement.

PhD.Family Portraits Phase 2 5 Tanya de Paor
PhD.Family Portraits Phase 2 3 Tanya de Paor
PhD.Family Portraits Phase 2 2 Tanya de Paor
PhD.Family Portraits Phase 2 1 Tanya de Paor
PhD.Family Portraits Phase 2 6 Tanya de Paor